I went A whoring
Ok, well actually I went hawing but I couldn’t resist the pun!
I went for a walk with the idea of picking elder berries but found there to be very few elders, all of which where behind barbed wire, even if they where heavily laden. :/ There were, however, loads and loads of blackthorns heavey with sloes, and which after picking five I realised they were not quiete ripe!
I then looked around and realised that the hawthorns where groaning under the weight of their little red berries -– well they are one of the most prevalent hegdgerow plants -– and I started picking the little beauts! Got nearly a whole basket too. 🙂
Some haw trees haws were not quiet ripe so there will be plenty for me to pick all the way through the autumn I feel. T- there are so many of the berries that I didn’t even have to think about how much to leave for the animals! I gave up on trees when I got bored rather than when I couldn’t reach any more berries. 🙂
What am I going to do with them all I hear you cry!
Well I am going to dry as many as I can for use in a berry tea -– a tea that is supposed to be good for those with high blood pressure and/or heart problems. – I’m going to get mum and dad to check with their doctors if it’s ok for them and add it to the dandeilion tea I force- feed mum.
There has been much merriyment here whilst Al me and Al I have been ‘doing’ the haws i.e. pulling the staolrks off of them -– but, well, this is us and our wrarpped and twisted minds, so innuendo here we come!!! I also said quiet innocently that I couldn’t do all these haws tonight! 🙂
Al is currently hawing away!
Of course any left over haws will be frozen for incorporation into hedgerow jam and/or haw jelly. Mmmm, I’m sure that you can make a coffee substituete too but now can’t find the recipe. :/
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