I adapted a minni cupcake recipe from the Hamlyn book 200 mini cupcake recipes. Their recipe is great and involves lemon liqueur mine does not! There’s are also not tennis balls 🙂
I used for the cakes:
250 g of softened goats butter
250 g of caster sugar
250 g of self raising flour
4 eggs
3 table spoons of lemon juice
The rinds of 4 lemons
I blended these all together and put a dollop of cake mix into each cup cake case and placed them onto the middle tray of my preheated over – gas mark 4 for 18 minutes. The mix did 24 cakes which I cooked in two batches after an initially collapsing failure from trying to do multiple batches in the oven like I do when baking biscuits :/

I then popped them onto a cooling rack.

Whilst the first batch was cooling and the second batch was cooking I made the icing.
200 g of softened goats butter
5 table spoons of lemon curd
2 table spoons of lemon juice
I mixed these together and just kept adding icing sugar until in was a nice spreadable consistency.
I put a splotch on the top of each cake and spread it.

I then added bright yellow sugar crystals to the top (I bought these in Sainsbury’s).

I then mixed a little more icing sugar into the left over icing so that it would be a bit stiffer for pipping. I snipped the tip off of a disposable icing bag and filled it with the mix. I then pipped two curves on each cake to represent the white lines on a tennis ball.

The cakes were mistaken as part of the art display 🙂