*Most of a red onion, chopped up finely then fried in oil, asafoetida, turmeric, fenugreek
*placed onto toasted bread
- Sprinkle on some grated mature cheddar
*grill until the cheddars browned
*Most of a red onion, chopped up finely then fried in oil, asafoetida, turmeric, fenugreek
*placed onto toasted bread
*grill until the cheddars browned
1) 1 tin Flagiolet beans
2) 1 tin Processed marrowfat peas
3) 1 tin Chick peas
4) 2 tins Chopped tomatoes
5) 2 teaspoons of very lazy Garlic
6) Grated cheese
7) Freshly ground black pepper
8) 1 teaspoon of ground coriander
Mix everything but the cheese in a large suace pan and put on a medium heat and then as it starts to steam slowely add the cheese and stir in. Serve in thick, deep bowls that retain the warmth.
Five servings
FISH.–Brill, carp, cod, eels, flounders, lobsters, mullet, oysters, plaice, prawns, skate, soles, turbot, whiting, whitebait.
MEAT.–Beef, lamb, mutton, pork, veal.
POULTRY.–Chickens, ducks, fowls, geese, larks, pigeons, pullets, rabbits, teal, turkeys.
GAME.–Blackcock, buck venison, grouse, hares, partridges, pheasants.
VEGETABLES.–Artichokes, asparagus, beans, cabbage sprouts, carrots, celery, lettuces, mushrooms, onions, pease, potatoes, salading, sea-kale, sprouts, tomatoes, turnips, vegetable marrows,–various herbs.
FRUIT.–Bullaces, damsons, figs, filberts, grapes, melons, morella-cherries, mulberries, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, quinces, walnuts.
Bullaces seem to be a british cooking plum but if anyone has more info I would be gratefull.
*Fry some onions and garlic
*Add 1 tin of adzuki beans
*Add 1 tin of haricot beans and fried them until they began to split a bit
*Add 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
*1 table sppon of very lazy ginger and a good two spoons of the white wine vinager it is preserved in!
*And simmered for a while
*Cook up 1 cup of brown rice
*Serve into bowls with rice at the bottom, grate hard goats cheese ontop.
My husband cooked yet another delicous meal involving beans!
*fry some onions and garlic
*add red kidney beans and fried them until they began to split a bit
*Then added marrowfat peas and two cans of chopped tomatoes
*Add some uncooked macaroni pasta
*And simmered for a while until the macaroni is cooked
I think that was it, it was wonderfull on its own but a very hearty meal when served with brown rice.
I watched Jamie Oliver when I was round my friends house and I was really impressed by the concept of the Ministry of Food resurrection. I then browsed her copy of some of his cook books but I have since found a whole community of cooking blogs and a forum all of which are free to browse, from Jamie. So here’s the link to his site.
Here we have some of the original books from the second world war which were issues by the Minstry of Food. I hope to post about them at some later date but my husbands family still go and collect mushrooms from the guidlines from them.
My husband had wanted to make us a nice bowl of something better than just boiled rice and so he tried to fry up some garlic and onion and then put the already cooked rice in but unfortunatly he miss judged how long the rice still had to cook and so he burnt the garlic.
The rice was hideous – we just couldn’t eat it and Al made him self feel ill trying. It literally tasted of burnt garlic 🙁
But he’d made a lot of it and I didn’t want to throw it out so I put it all in a large bowl in the fridge. The next day I bunged it all into a large suacepan and emptied a large jar of pasta suace into it. Put a medium heat on undernieth and then added two spoonfulls of very lazy pre-chopped garlic in white wine vinagar and added 2 tea spoons of rosemerry.
Once it was hot all the way through I served it with some chicken breast and it was actually quiet nice.
The only thing I would say about this is that I know there can be issues with reheating rice and so you need to be cuatious.
FISH.–Brill, carp, chub, crayfish, crabs, dory, eels, flounders, grigs, herrings, lobsters, mullet, pike, prawns, salmon, shrimps, skate, soles, sturgeon, thornback, trout, turbot.
I can not find what grigs are I’m afraid if anyone knows could they please let me know?
MEAT.–Beef, lamb, mutton, veal, buck venison.
POULTRY.–Chickens, ducklings, fowls, green geese, pigeons, plovers, pullets, rabbits, turkey poults, wheatears, wild ducks.
GAME.–Leverets, grouse, blackcock.
Blackcock appears to be another type of grouse!
VEGETABLES.–Artichokes, asparagus, beans, carrots, cabbages, cauliflowers, celery, cresses, endive, lettuces, mushrooms, onions, pease, potatoes, radishes, sea-bale, small salading, sprouts, turnips, various kitchen herbs, vegetable marrows.
FRUIT.–Currants, figs, filberts, gooseberries, grapes, melons, mulberries, nectarines, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, raspberries, walnuts.
Filberts are a type of hazel nut it would appear.
The Open University was having a big sort of ‘village fete’ to celebrate its 40 yrs in education so we went along and one of the things we got to watch was ice-cream being made using liquid nitrogen.
Jean and another little girl picked the flavourings and then we watched.
First off they poured in milk, icing sugar and cream and stirred it and then the chocolate chips and coffee flavouring. Then the vat of liquid nitrogen appeared in the gloved hands of a Chemist. They poured it in and stirred the mix.
And stirred and what amounts to dry ice frothed forth from the brew.
And within like 10 minutes we were sampling the ice-cream – Jean went back for several helpings 🙂
It was a cool demonstration though they needed more flavouring in the mix! The ice-cream also melted alot quicker than normal ice cream would which was interesting. Also there were lots of chuncks of ice exploding out of the bowl so we had to stand quiet far back!
FISH.–Carp, crayfish, dory, flounders, haddocks, herrings, lobsters, mackerel, mullet, pike, plaice, prawns, salmon, shrimps, soles, sturgeon, tench, thornback.
MEAT.–Beef, lamb, mutton, veal, buck venison.
POULTRY.–Chickens, ducklings, fowls, green geese, leverets, plovers, pullets, rabbits, turkey poults, wheatears, wild ducks (called flappers).
VEGETABLES.–Artichokes, asparagus, beans, cabbages, carrots, cauliflowers, celery, cresses, endive, lettuces, mushrooms, onions, pease, radishes, small salading, sea-kale, sprouts, turnips, vegetable marrow,–various herbs.
I’m not sure if its due to climate change or what but we have been eating asparagus here since the beginning of May!
FRUIT.–Apricots, cherries, currants, figs, gooseberries, melons, nectarines, pears, pineapples, plums, raspberries, strawberries, walnuts in high season, and pickled.